Professional disinfecting & protection services in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.
What is E.Z. Breathing Disinfection Misting Service?
Our disinfectant misting service provides powerful virus protection. We can quickly sanitize large areas and high touch surfaces in your kitchen, living areas, bathroom, home office, and more.
How Effective Is The Disinfectant?
Studies show the disinfectant kills pathogens. Our disinfectant is among the same group of industrial-grade, safety-rated disinfectants used around the world for emergency disease control.
Where Do You Apply The Disinfectant Mist?
Our technicians will apply the disinfectant to all the walls, surfaces, and items in your home. Because the mist is very fine, it will penetrate even inaccessible areas for the most thorough protection and coverage.
How Does The Application Work?
The broad spectrum disinfectant mist is disbursed in fine particles that slowly settle onto the surfaces throughout your home. The surfaces will be moist for a short period as the disinfectant is acting, then the surface will be left to dry.
Your business runs on people and nothing is more important than their health and safety. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi pose a constant, invisible threat to safety. Designed to help your business maintain the highest level of hygiene, E.Z. Breathing is disinfection services gives you the peace of mind that you need to know you are doing all you can to keep your people safe.
Our fast-acting disinfection formula can inactivate pathogens on surfaces within just 10 minutes.

E.Z. Breathing AirDuct Cleaning offers commercial infection control services for:
Office Buildings
Nursing Homes
Locker Rooms
And Many More
Features And Benefits:
Non-Abrasive to surfaces, leaving behind no visible residue or harsh fumes.
U.S. EPA Registered.
Environmentally friendly and biodegradable.
Eliminates unpleasant odors.
Hypo Allergenic and non flammable
Can Be used against: Coronavirus, Norovirus, H1N1, SARS, MRSA, Swine Flu, E.Coli, Salmonella, and more
Our specialists use advanced disinfectant to distribute the disinfectant formula. Our technique creates extremely small disinfection droplets that allow hard contact surfaces and large inaccessible areas to be treated in a short time span.
Using E.Z. Breathing surfaces disinfectant will target critical hard surfaces such as:
Door Handles
Switches and Buttons
Tables and Counters
Push Bars
Remote Controls
Hard Back Chairs
Other Common Surfaces
Special contact points such as angled electronics, keyboards with privacy covers and sensitive servers will be wiped down to ensure safe disinfection.
Other Recommended Industries:
Children Recreation Centers
Grocery And Convenience Stores
Distribution Centers
Daycare, Schools, And Universities
Lobies, Waiting Rooms, And Reception Areas
The protection of your people customers, and our service personnel is our TOP priority.
E.Z. Breathing will wear specialized protective gear while conducting services.
Let us help you get back to business!!
Contact us to learn about disinfection services for your home or facility.
Free Quote
500 Regis Ave #10006 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 EZBreathingADC@gmail.com | Tel: 412-219-8473